Foreign Law Firm in Indonesia

Foreign Law Firm in Indonesia

Welcome back to the official Magnaar Law Firm website. At this time the admin wants to share information for us who are currently confused about and are looking for services regarding foreign law firm in Indonesia?. Don’t worry, you are on the right web page. Here the admin will discuss it in more depth so that you can learn more about what we provide.

Anyone can live in Indonesia. Even during this Covid-19 condition, you can stay for some time in Indonesia. The most important thing is that you comply with the procedures that apply in Indonesia. Every foreigner residing in the territory of Indonesia must have a residence permit. There are several as stated in the law. You can read in full some of the residence permits of foreigners in Indonesia

After living for some time in Indonesia maybe you are reviewing your business in Indonesia or you are currently building a company in Indonesia. Various possibilities could happen to you. Have you worked with local people to take care of your needs to create a company in Indonesia?. And how is the legality of your current business? How is the labor agreement and its reporting to the government, etc. Documents must be complete in the establishment of a company. From the beginning until the company is running. Starting from the provision of land to the company has produced as desired.

For foreigners, setting up a company in Indonesia is quite difficult, you know, if you don’t have a law firm service partner. Many interested people will approach you and ask for a number of rewards for them if you set up a business in their area. Usually not a small amount of money they ask for. Ways like this are quite detrimental to you.

Best Corporate Law Firm in Indonesia

Then how to avoid these unhealthy ways? It is a gift for you that you are currently meeting the best corporate law firm in Indonesia with the official Magnaar Law Firm website. We are a company engaged in law firm services. Experienced in handling cases in small companies to multinational companies. We serve the provision of land for your company, serve the making of your company’s legality to completion.

And what you can do now is open the Contact Us page and then contact Magnaar Law Firm. When can we meet with an agenda to explain the details of the case you are facing right now. We will be the legal protector for your company. So that your company can still exist. Keep working to advance our economy all. Good luck and continued success.